BrewDog Elvis Juice
- Brewer: BrewDog
- Style: IPA
- In: 330ml can
- ABV: 6.5%
- From: Holland’s Of Bray
- Price: €12 for 4 cans
BrewDog know how to make an IPA. I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who doesn’t like Punk. BrewDog also know how to experiment with their beers.
Elvis Juice is an IPA infused with grapefruit. Given that certain hops often impart a grapefruit smell and flavour to beers, adding more grapefruit could be a dangerous move.
Luckily, BrewDog have knocked this one out of the park, as usual. It reminds me of drinking Lilt as a kid, but with a 6.5% ABV. It pours a dark amber which is surprising, with a clean head that lasts til the end. Super easy to drink, and massively refreshing - roll on BBQ season!